An online platform for sounds, words, and ideas from the American Musicological Society

February Preview

Welcome to February, everyone!
It was on this day in 1840 that Robert Schumann officially began his Liederjahr, or year in song.  And it is on this day in 2017 that Musicology Now announces two calls to bring greater awareness to the work of scholars at all stages of their careers:
“Dissertation Digest” Call for Posts: Musicology Now is soliciting posts and interest for a new series called “Dissertation Digest,” which brings wider attention to dissertations in progress or recently completed. We want to hear about yours! Posts should outline your project and research, and be about 1000 words. Drafts of posts as well as inquiries are welcome at

“Book Preview” Call for Posts: Musicology Now invites authors of new, recent, or soon-to-be published books to submit “book previews.” Posts should be about 1000 words and can be an excerpt or précis of your book.  Drafts of posts as well as inquiries are welcome at

This Month on Musicology Now:

We’ll continue to feature previews of recent and forthcoming books, including works by Eliot Bates and Benjamin Teitelbaum, and towards the end of next week Musicology Now will feature a post on music in the television show, Blackish, by Imani Mosely.

Watch for a series of mid-month posts on experimental and avant-garde music, including work on festivals (Caitlin Schmid), technology (Ted Gordon), and the challenges of the archive (Patrick Nickleson).

As February draws to a close we’ll run a series of posts related to teaching under the new Trump Administration, with contributions from Dale Chapman, James Deaville, Louis Epstein, Naomi Graber, and Chris Macklin.

Send us your ideas:

In addition to the Dissertation Digest and Book Preview series calls above, we always welcome suggestions for individual posts as well as ideas for future themed series, quick takes, and colloquia.  The Musicology Now curatorial team can be reached at