An online platform for sounds, words, and ideas from the American Musicological Society

Interview: Carol A. Hess and Elisabeth Le Guin

Here is the second of two video interviews prepared during the American Musicological Society’s national meeting in Louisville in November 2015. Don M. Randel talks with Carol A. Hess and Elisabeth Le Guin about their new books on Hispanic subject matter. All three were honored at the meeting: Randel, as Honorary Member; Hess, with the 2015 Robert Stevenson Award for her book, Representing the Good Neighbor: Music, Difference, and the Pan American Dream (Oxford UP); and Le Guin, with the 2015 Otto Kinkeldey Award for her book, The Tonadilla in Performance: Lyric Comedy in Enlightenment Spain (Univ. of California Press).

Cue points:

  • 01:12     ELG on the tonadilla
  • 02:19     CAH on music and diplomacy
  • 04:20     CAH on US cultural diplomacy
  • 06:05     ELG on problems of performing tonadilla
  • 08:32     ELG on sources for her study
  • 10:54     CAH on sources for her study
  • 13:25     Copland abroad
  • 14:25     Carlos Chávez and Mexican-ness

Carol A. Hess is Professor of Music at the University of California, Davis; website HERE.

Elisabeth Le Guin is Professor of Music and Director of Graduate Studies at UCLA; website HERE.

Don M. Randel is past president of teh University of Chicago and the Mellon Foundation; Wikipedia article HERE.