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Reading Matter

The American Musicological Society awards publication subventions for books and editions in all fields of music scholarship. Twenty-eight books were recently granted $44,000 in funds to support publication expenses during the first of two rounds for 2014. In spring and fall 2013 some 43 books were funded; covers and links for all books published over the history of the program are given HERE. Altogether the Society currently spends some $100,000 a year on the initiative.

Bequests from Manfred Bukofzer, Otto Kinkeldey, Gustave Reese, Dragan Plamenac, Paul Pisk, and Lloyd Hibberd formed the nucleus of an endowment established in 1971 to support the publication of books and editions of music. These funds were considerably augmented by the OPUS capital campaign in 2002–09, which funded AMS 75 Publication Awards for Younger Scholars (AMS PAYS), a program providing for members in the early stages of their careers to be able to count on subventions for their first books.

Here a few recent examples, chosen more or less randomly from the exhaustive lists cited above:

John H. Baron
Concert Life in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans

Louisiana St. Univ. Press, 2013
Oxford UP, 2014
Martha Feldman
The Castrato: Reflections on Natures and Kinds
Univ. of California Press, 2015
Nadine Hubbs
Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music
Univ. of California Press, 2014
Drew Massey
Univ. of Rochester Press, 2013
Catherine Saucier
Alexandra Vazquez
Listening in Detail: Performances of Cuban Music
Duke Univ. Press, 2013